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Friday, October 8, 2010


Well folks, here we are! The Gish Wedding weekend is upon us! The bags are packed, the dog is harnessed, and the beer is cold! So grab your tuxes and your cameras! It’s going to be a wild weekend!

I just wanted to take a few minutes to thank so many people who have helped me throughout the past 10 months in planning this huge event!

-My Fiance. Joey. You are my best friend, my confidante, my true love, and my biggest fan. I can’t believe the past three years have passed and here we are on our wedding weekend! I am so thankful to have you in my life. We have so much fun together and I know the rest of our lives will be just as much of an adventure! Thank you for all of your help, opinions, and support as we’ve planned this incredible weekend! I love you!

-My Mom. The craftiest lady around. From making the Save-the-dates to creating the wedding programs, she has been dedicating every free minute she has to make this wedding classy and creative. She has also been there to help me make every single important decision and given some really great advice along the way.

-My Dad. For saving the day! Having the wedding in PA of course means that we will have tons of relatives visiting the house. My Dad has been instrumental in fixing up the place for this weekend. He has been painting, hammering, cleaning, installing, etc. I especially can’t wait to see the new dishwasher when I arrive!

-My Mother-in-Law to be. Diane has been so wonderful throughout all the planning. She has given her opinion but maintained that it is our day and that we have the final say. Her support and generosity have been so wonderful and we truly appreciate everything she has done for us!

-My Father-in-Law to be. Couldn’t leave Joe Gish out. If there is one person in the world who will remember how to spell my name (Sarah-with-an-H) it will be him. And he’ll always offer me a beer when I sit down at his table.

-My Maid of Honor. Laura is the best sister in the world! From the bridal shower to the bachelorette party to preparing for this weekend, she has been there to help me through everything and has made this such a wonderful experience for me!

-My Bridesmaids. Gage, Kendayl, Shirin, Steph, Amanda. These ladies have worked SO HARD to make my wedding events go off without a hitch. They are all such amazing friends and I consider myself very lucky to have them all by my side on Sunday.

-Red Rockers. Believe it or not, Coaching the Red Rockers throughout my wedding planning process has helped to keep me sane. I love each and every one of you and I am so proud of how well you did at Caps Convention. Continue to make me proud out there! Rock the Red!!

-Facebook Friends. Don’t judge! I had to give a shoutout to all of my facebook friends/previous brides that have helped me when looking for invitations, my wedding dress, and other random wedding questions. You know who you are, and thank you!

-And finally, MY READERS! Whoever you are, thank you for reading my blog from January until now, 2 days before my wedding. It has been a really fun experience for me to keep track of how I did the planning. I’m hoping the way I did things will at least help somebody (whether it’s what-not-to-do or what TO do!).

I know there are others that I’d like to thank but let’s face it, everyone in my life has touched me in some way, and I truly feel like each person I’ve been in contact with has brought me to this very place and time. Weddings are a great time to sit and reflect on one’s life and all the people in it. It has been a wonderful experience for me. So THANK YOU to each and every one of you!

Now, without further ado….

Let the festivities begin!!!!

Signing off, for the very last time as

Sarah Elizabeth Davis

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