1. I started a new job. My time as a part-time work-at-home Mom came to a close and I was offered an awesome new job. I jumped at the chance for more dollars in my pocket and a shorter commute. I have been there a month and I am really enjoying the work! But there is not very much time for blogging ;). Abby also went back to "school" as well. She is really enjoying her new school and her new friends.
2. We found out a close family member is very sick. And I have not been sure what to say, or not say, about it. I strongly dislike when people post vague or confusing statuses on Facebook that seemingly beg for attention. So that's not what I'm doing here. I'm being vague out of respect for the privacy of that person and if you would like to e-mail me I would be glad to fill you in on what is going on! It has thrown our family for a loop to say the least, so the thought of blogging has been difficult. Because what do I say? Or not say? Ugh.
Looking on the bright side: It HAS been a wonderful year, full of awesome things like getting to work from home for 6 MONTHS, spend 2 weeks at the shore with my baby (and my Mom!), traveling to Disney twice, getting a super new job, and more recently, a new ride! My brother and his wife are also expecting their first baby in March, and Joey's brother Jason was recently engaged to his long time girlfriend, Lydia.
As the year draws to a close, I have a new found appreciation for all of the people in my life. I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy new year. I truly wish the best for each of you out there reading this- no matter how I know you or what we may have been through in the past. I'm certainly not perfect and have made my share of mistakes, but a new year is always chance to start fresh so I invite you to do the same!
So: enjoy your holiday, hug your loved ones, and toast to health, happiness, and good fortune in 2016!