Monthly updates from here on out are not promised. But since I had the time I thought I'd update and say holy cow, they turn into toddlers fast. I definitely thought I'd have a good 6 months before I felt like she was really a "toddler". Nope. The tantrums came on fast. The frustration with not being able to communicate combined with growing/teething is really rough.
Some positives- she gave up the bottle REALLY easy. And we're 100% done with formula. Whole milk does the trick and her stomach is used to it now. That did take a couple of weeks though. It also took a couple of weeks for her to drink milk out of the sippy cup. I was convinced she'd be 3 and taking calcium supplements.... but alas after trying just about EVERYTHING (yogurt, ovaltine, death stares) she actually drank it. I had mixed in some ovaltine and then over the next couple of days I gradually lessened the amount of ovaltine until she was drinking straight milk. I'm SO glad we got that taken care of before our upcoming Disney trip!! (<-more on this later)
I also took her to her first dentist appointment and she did great! Even got to pick out her own toothbrush.
She's still working on learning to walk. She can and will stand on her own but is still chicken about taking any steps unassisted. And if I try to put her down in the middle of the floor her legs turn to jello. I guess she will walk when she's ready... We've been baby-proofing like crazy in the mean time though.
She still says "dog" and variations of that but that's it. Again, I'm not expecting mountains to move in one month's time.
So really, nothing new to report other than a few more tantrums. She's still overall a very happy baby and easy to please. Eating at restaurants is a little more complicated now, but as long as we are shoving food in her mouth she stays relatively quiet..... ;)
I'm hoping to get more posts up this Fall (we'll see).. starting with a sneak peek of Abby's 1 year photos we took on the beach on her birthday. I don't have them yet... so I stole one for you but never fear.. there will be TONS more!!!