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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Shamrock Half Marathon

This is a little month late, however I went to delete pictures off my phone (don't worry, I have backup!) and I realized I never did a little write up about our trip.  It really was a nice little weekend trip.  I looked forward to it and enjoyed looking back on it, even though I did have to run 13.1 miles somewhere in there!

We left Saturday morning in a caravan with our friends Amanda and Ryan and first stopped at Bass Pro where we picked up this sweet hat for Abby:

She's also wearing pink camo overalls.
Then we trucked down to VA Beach, stopped at the expo to pick up our stuff, checked in at our hotels, and then went out to Olive Garden for dinner. Our friend, Mike, also joined us!

Perusing the OG kids menu

Amanda's salad. Just for her.
Sunday morning Abby woke us up at her usual time (~5am) so I was up in plenty of time for the 7am start.  It also helped that our hotel was RIGHT by the start line.  It was so convenient and worth the extra $$$ to stay right there.  Mike met me at the hotel and we walked to the start line together. Ryan was also running but we didn't see him at the start.  It was a little chilly but warmer than in years past so I wasn't too upset.

My outfit laid out the night before. I decided to do pink since everyone else was wearing green for St. Patty's day

The race went okay.  I admittedly did not train as much as I needed to and I knew it was going to be a slow race for me. My legs were tight and I was a little fatigued but I knew I could finish and I just kept trucking.  I knew Joey was going to be up near the finish with Abby and he was really excited about the sign that Abby had made "all by herself" and he wouldn't tell me what it said.  Apparently it was a huge hit with other runners.  They were right outside our hotel which was around mile 12.5 and I booked it to the finish from there!

Even though it wasn't my best, I'm pretty happy with how I did considering I didn't exactly run 10 miles (or anything close to it) in training and I had a baby in August ;).

Sent this to Joey as a joke when he asked for a progress update (the marathon course partially runs along with the half)

The lead marathon runner passing me at mile ~12. He had about 13 more miles to go (the rest of the course I just ran).

Side note: I would really like to be done with half marathons given the fact that I'm not going to have the time to really train to get a respectable time ever again.  But then I went to our "medal wall" and counted my half marathon medals.  Wouldn't you know I have 9!?!?!  So I guess I'm doing one more...uggh.

Anyway, we met up with everyone on the beach (Ryan had finished an entire hour before me. Sigh.), took pictures, and decided to forego the smelly beer tent and head back to shower/hang out in the hotel and have some adult beverages.  After that we went to a beach front restaurant and later, a Gordon Biersch before it was time for Abby and I to hit the hay and the boys went out and partied a little bit.

Monday morning we woke up and shipped out.  It was fun to have a little getaway weekend, to be by the beach (our hotel room looked out over the ocean) and to be with friends.  If you are ever considering this race, I HIGHLY recommend it.  There is a full, half, and an 8K.  This racing company is awesome and their events are well organized.  The courses are flat and the swag is top notch!

Abby's St. Patrick's Day outfit

She didn't get to wear it ON St. Patty's Day because she was sick. But luckily we had a reprieve with marathon weekend!

Sleeping in the hotel bed like a big girl

Breakfast all over her face. Eating in the bumbo was difficult to say the least.

For more info about the Shamrock Marathon Weekend check out:


Monday, April 13, 2015

8 Months!

Time for the 8 month update!! Hooray!!!

It has been a really fun month saying goodbye to winter and hello to Spring!

The biggest thing that happened this month is that we switched daycares. I don't talk about daycare details too much on here for safety reasons obviously. But we switched her from a center to an in-home where she is the only baby and so far we LOVE it. Her new nanny is the bees knees.  We are hoping being around less children will keep Abby healthier. It has been a rough winter for all of us.

Now that the weather is getting nice, I am hopeful that we can get Abby out and about more often. I'd like to take her to play in the park on the baby swing.  I have not gotten her out very much since she was born and I see all these people taking their babies places and it makes me feel bad.  I mean, don't get me wrong, she rolls to Target and Babies R Us like a champ. But she's never been to the park or the library or the pool. So I gotta work on that.  But then again she is 8 months old. A big day for her is going in the stroller around the block. ;)

How many? 8 months!

Stats: Heavy. I don't have any stats because (thankfully) she hasn't been to the Doctor since her 6 month appointment. Let's hope it stays that way for another month.

Diaper Size? Wearing Swaddlers size 3s. I'm considering switching to Cruisers, although I hated Baby Dry so maybe I won't like them either.  Who knew there were so many different types of diapers?

Clothing Size? 9 months. I put her in a 12 month outfit this weekend but luckily it was a little big. Some of her 9 month clothes make her look like a stuffed sausage though. I think we will be in 12 month size long before we hit the 12th month ;)

Feeding  Abby is a rockstar when it comes to pureed food.  She eats 3 solid meals a day and eats the entire bowl at each sitting.  I have given her puffs but she basically picks them up, inspects them, and then drops them off the side of her high chair (to the patiently waiting dogs below). She has not brought them to her mouth by herself and when I put them in her mouth, she makes a terrible face and spits them out. One time, I put a puff in her mouth and she gagged on it.  And now I'm terrified that she's going to choke on everything. How is she going to learn to eat? How big/small do the pieces need to be?  I have also given her cheerios to play with but she has no interest in eating them (fine by me) and she will hold onto and nibble a rice rusk maybe for a minute or two before it too becomes a sacrifice to the Min Pins.... I've been reading up and I'm looking forward to discussing this stuff with her doctor but any gentle advice is welcome. Otherwise Abby will be 10 years old and eating pureed sweet potatoes.

In terms of formula consumption, she still drinks 4-6oz per bottle and she has 5-6 bottles per day.
I have tried with several different kinds of sippy cups and failed with all of them.  The best one I have found is the Avent soft spout, which she will gnaw on but hasn't shown much interest in drinking out of.  I stopped wasting formula and started putting water in there to get her used to it. I don't think she has consumed much, if any, water though.  Anyway, she can hold her own bottle if she's laying down and she prefers to feed herself. But she hasn't mastered putting her head back to drink while she is sitting up.

Sleeping Now that Abby is the only baby in the house with her new nanny, she gets all the sleep she wants and needs.  She was not getting enough sleep at the daycare center and I'm SO happy she is able to nod off whenever she wants now.  She also sometimes needs help going to sleep (i.e. to be rocked) and she is able to have that too.  The individual attention is so nice. She is napping about 3 times per day- morning, afternoon, and late afternoon.  No set times. At night she still goes to bed around 8 and she wakes up around 530am when I do.

Personality Abby is such a happy baby.  She is ALL smiles. Even when she has a cold! She really really loves her Dad.  She cries when he leaves her. It's sad and cute at the same time.  She also loves her doggies.  We have noticed that she verbally acknowledges them every time they walk into the room.  It's a very definitive "Duh!" sound.  I swear she is trying to say Dog. That was my first word so I will of course, die, if she has the same first word as me. :)

-Sits up by herself and can get to the floor (mostly by leaning over/falling backwards) but can't sit up from laying down yet.
-Teeth: She has one and a half. But there are at least two more coming in. All on the bottom. All at once! Poor babe! She's constantly chewing on her hands and drooling like crazy!
-Can roll all directions and creatively move to reach things on her belly but I wouldn't call it crawling or anything close to that (although I think we are getting there. Give us another month.)
-All consonants, stringing sounds together, being loud, laughing, etc.
-She has surprised me a few times with her talents when it comes to her toys. Like putting a ring over the stacker, or putting a ball in her Dinosaur toy.  Or, ya know, picking the entire thing up and holding it in her lap sideways even though it's pretty freaking heavy!!!

-We are still doing basic sign language and she definitely knows what the signs mean (I get a huuuge smile when I ask her if she wants her milk). But she has not done any of them herself. Yet!
-We have started learning about the word "no" and what it means.  Mostly when it comes to the dogs.  "No, Abby, you can't grab Doc's butt."

Caught untying the breathable bumper...
We have not baby proofed yet and we really need to get on it. We also need to lower the crib mattress. Crawling is right around the corner.  I am using the "baby proofing" as an excuse to re-do the living room and subsequently create a man cave in the basement with everything we are moving because it is too dangerous (the speakers, ladder shelf, etc.).  New couches are on the horizon.

I know that this is an Abby post but there are other house projects that deserve a shout out. 1. the side porch has been in limbo all winter but we are working on finishing it so we can have a fun place to hang out in the summer nights that is bug-free. 2. we really need a new refrigerator and I'm excited about getting a new appliance.  3. speaking of appliances, I finally figured out how to turn off the obnoxious beeping on my Bosch dishwasher. If you have one you will understand that this is a big deal!!!

Back to your regularly scheduled programming:

Hangin in Abby's room

But first....

This Princess mirror is the greatest toy ever

Ridin' Dirty in Target

Watchin' Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, chillin with my feet on Cinderella

Happy Monday!!!


Monday, April 6, 2015

Hoppy Easter

We spent Easter weekend in PA with my family.  After a looong trip up on Friday, it was early to bed for everyone including Abby, who was recovering from another cold.  Saturday morning, Joey and my brother went golfing while the girls hung out around the house.  We all went to late lunch at the Flying Pig Saloon (Baby's first dive bar!) (But they had high chairs so it was OK) and then Joey and I went to check out the new casino while my parents watched Abby.  

We have approximately 394628620876 pictures of Abby chewing on a coaster. Here is one.

The casino was unsurprisingly a disappointment and we only spent an hour there before we decided to go to happy hour at a bar close to my parents house.

It was a fun time showing Joey around town and we watched some of the Duke-Michigan State game before heading home.  Sunday morning we visited my brother and his wife at their new house and then got dressed up and took some family photos at the Desmond where we got married. Then it was time for Easter brunch and Easter baskets!  

The face(s) of too much excitement.

Photobombed by Uncle Alex

Abby LOVES doggies

We wrapped up the weekend with a smooth return trip to VA and Easter dinner with Joey's family. Whew! Now everyone is sick (thank you, Abby) but we are happy and we had a great weekend!!

 *There are more pictures on the actual camera but these are the ones I like from the iPhone ;)